U.S. Energy Information Administration
Sektör: Energy
Number of terms: 18450
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
The number of mines, or mines collocated with preparation plants or tipples, located in a particular geographic area (State or region). If a mine is mining coal across two counties within a State, or across two States, then it is counted as two operations. This is done so that EIA can separate production by State and county.
A contractual arrangement providing a mineral interest that gives the owner a right to receive a fraction of production, or of proceeds from the sale of production, until a specified quantity of minerals (or a definite sum of money, including interest) has been received.
Fuels used in secondary space-heating equipment.
The fee assessed a nuclear utilityfor spent nuclear fuel (SNF) or solidified high-level radioactive waste derived from SNF, which fuel was used to generate electricity in a civilian nuclear power reactor prior to April 7, 1983, and which isassessed by applying industry-wide average dollar-per-kilogram charges to four distinct ranges of fuel burn up so that equivalent to an industry-wide average charge of 1.0 mill per kilowatthour.
A plant that usually generates electric energy during peak load periods by using water previously pumped into an elevated storage reservoir during off-peak periods when excess generating capacity is available to do so. When additional generating capacity is needed, the water can be released from the reservoir through a conduit to turbine generators located in a power plant at a lower level.
An extremely pure form of crystalline silicon produced by dipping a single crystal seed into a pool of molten silicon under high vacuum conditions and slowly withdrawing a solidifying single crystal boule (rod) of silicon. The boule is sawed into thin silicon wafers and fabricated into single-crystal photovoltaic cells.
A firm directly or indirectly controlled by a parent but not consolidated with the parent for purposes of financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. An unconsolidated entity includes any firm consolidated with the unconsolidated entity for purposes of financial statements prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles historically and consistently applied. An individual shall be deemed to control a firm that is directly or indirectly controlled by him or by his father, mother, spouse, children, or grandchildren.
The number of mining operations includes preparation plants with greater than 5,000 total direct labor hours. Mining operations that consist of a mine and preparation plant, or a preparation plant only, will be counted as two operations if the preparation plant processes both underground and surface coal. Excluded are silt, culm, refuse bank, slurry dam, and dredge operations except for Pennsylvania anthracite. Excludes mines producing less than 10,000 short tons of coal during the year.
The volume of liquids removed from natural gas in natural gas processing plants or cycling plants during the year.
A proposal for issuing bonds that would be used to buy down existing power contracts or other obligations. The bonds would be repaid by designating a portion of future customer bill payments. Customer bills would be lowered, since the cost of bond payments would be less than the power contract costs that would be avoided.