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The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS), commonly referred to as Disney, is an American diversified multinational mass media corporation headquartered in Walt Disney Studios, Burbank, California, United States. It is the largest media conglomerate in the world in terms of revenue. Founded on October ...
Anakin Skywalker - návštěva Ani tím, že jeho matka a jeho manželka, tak jako je Watto, Jar Jar Binks a Qui-Gon Jinn - byl legendární síly citlivé lidské muž, který sloužil jako Jedi Knight Galaktické republiky a později sloužil jako Sith Lord Darth Vader Galaktické impérium. Born na Shimi Skywalker, později v životě stal tajný manžel senátora Padme Armidala Naboo a otec Luke Skywalker Grand Master Jedi a Jedi Knight Leia Organa Solo. Byl také dědeček Ben Skywalker, Jaina, Jacen a Anakin Solo, jakož i pra dědeček Allana a předchůdce Nat, Kol a Cade Skywalker.
Yoda byl jedním z nejvíce renomovaných a výkonný mistrů Jedi v Galaktické historie. On byl známý pro jeho legendární moudrost, zvládnutí sílu a své dovednosti v světelný boj. Yoda sloužil jako člen vysoké rady Jedi v posledních stoletích Galaktické republiky a vládl jako velmistr řádu Jedi před, během a po ničivé Klonové války. Následující první Bitva o Geoosis, Yoda držel titul mistra kromě toho velmistra řádu.
Stojící na cca 66 cm vysoký, Yoda byl členem mužského tajemné druhů, podrobnosti o nichž on neodhalila. Yoda působil jako člen jedi nejvyšších po staletí, nakonec získal místo v Radě vysoké Jedi před panující jako Grand Master Jedi. On byl považován za mnohými Zbrojmistra.
A Padawan, Padawan learner, or Jedi Apprentice in Basic, referred to a Force-sensitive adolescent who had begun one-on-one instruction with a Jedi Knight or Master outside of the Jedi academy. Having passed the Initiate Trials and ascended in rank from an Initiate, Padawans were given more responsibilities within the Jedi Order but were subject to the demands of their master.
Throughout the early history of the Jedi Order, the role of an apprentice changed drastically as war and purges forced the rule of the Jedi High Council to bend or become flexible. During and before the Old Sith Wars, Knights and Masters would take on numerous apprentices, training them at their own praxeums or private residences without any direct oversight by a council. Using the term Apprentice to denote their position as a student, many of these students become great Knights and Masters themselves. However it was noted, specifically with the famous incident of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma and their disastrous fall to the dark side of the Force, that this style of education may not be as conducive to the Jedi Code as previously thought.
At some point after the Great Sith War, the High Council was first convened and set in place the bylaws of the Order. During this period, the term Padawan was introduced and Masters were restricted to taking only one at a time. Over time, as the Order flourished, the High Council decided to enforce even stricter standards such as a cut off age for Initiates to be selected for apprenticeship. At the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, which housed the largest of the academies of the era, an annual Apprentice Tournament was created to not only test the students at the academy, but also to aid in the selection of apprentices by prospective masters. While it set the rules of the Order, the Masters on the High Council typically avoided direct involvement in this selection, preferring instead to allow the Force to bring a Master-Padawan pair together.
A Jedi Knight referred to a member of the Jedi Order, who had completed their Jedi training as a student in the Jedi academy, in addition to one-on-one training as a Padawan and the completion of the Jedi Trials.
As a Knight and a full member of the Order, these individuals received assignments from the Jedi Councils and strove to find peace, and maintain order within the Galactic Republic. Making up the majority of the Order's members, the public was familiar with this title more than any other, and, thus, many addressed any Jedi as "Knight".
Seven hundred and thirty years after the Order's founding on Tython in the earliest days of galactic civilization, the Jedi Knights were brought into the Galactic Republic, working as peacekeepers for the fledgling government.[2] A loose band of both philosophers and warriors, these early Knights had no central leadership, nor any formalized training at an academy; instead, they completed a series of tasks set by their master, who would then bestow upon them the rank of a Jedi Knight.
As the Order grew more centralized with the foundation of the Jedi High Council, following the Great Sith War, and the Republic's donation of the Sacred Spire on Coruscant for use by the Knights, residing at the capital, the role of Knights in the Republic became more defined. Working as peacekeepers, diplomats, and investigators during peace time, the Knights helped to establish peace following the war. However, due to the High Council's seemingly complacent attitude during the Mandalorian War, many Knights turned away from the Order and joined the Revanchist's movement, which would eventually lead to the Jedi Civil War.
When the Order recovered, the training of Padawans to Knighthood resumed more formally until the New Sith Wars and the creation of the Army of Light forced the Order to, once again, take on a militaristic way of life. When the Brotherhood of Darkness was defeated, and the Ruusan Reformation put into effect, formal training began again and the Order flourished.
The title of Jedi Master was the highest formal rank obtainable by a member of the Jedi Order. Reserved for those who had shown exceptional devotion and skill as well as balance in the Force and often combat, only individuals who had been given the rank of Master could sit on the Jedi High Council, with few exceptions (such as Anakin Skywalker and Ki-Adi-Mundi), or any of the three other Councils.
The rank of Master was a title bestowed upon very few Knights in every generation. As such, Masters made up the smallest percent of the Order's membership. The most common path to this rank was to train several Padawans as a Knight, typically one right after the other, and have them all successfully pass their Jedi Trials. If one did not wish to train several students, a Knight could choose to undergo a modified version of the Trials of Knighthood, or gain attention for their service to the Republic. Each of these feats could gain the High Council's acknowledgment and result in a promotion to the rank of Master. When Luke Skywalker reformed the Order following the Great Jedi Purge, he promoted his students to the rank of Master based on their degree of mastery of the Force. As the Order began to grow, most Masters were promoted based on the extraordinary deeds they performed for the New Republic. One well known example was the promotion of Jedi Knight Kyle Katarn following the defeat of the Dark Jedi Desann at his blade.
A practice strongly discouraged by the High Council and little seen during the Golden Age of the Old Republic was the idea that a Knight could judge him or herself and assume the rank of Master without the Council's approval. This was not uncommon practice during the Old and New Sith Wars as the Order was not centrally controlled during the period and many saw their victories against the Sith a sign of their skills and achievements. One well-known example of this practice was the ascension to mastery by Jedi Jorus C'baoth; indeed even his clone, Joruus C'baoth, would also claim himself a Jedi Master. Luke Skywalker was forced to promote himself out of the pure fact that there were no senior Jedi alive to grant him the rank formally.
Vāle Windu bija vīriešu Korun Jedi kapteiņiem leģendāro statusu, kas noved pie Geonosis kaujas, pēc kura viņš deva nosaukumu uz Grand Master Yoda dienās bija kapteinis secībā. Hailing Haruun Kal Mace Windu kalpoja kā viens no pēdējā pirms lielo Jedi Purge Jedi augstu Padomes locekļiem pasaules. Kalpo dome, Windu bieži vien uzskatīja par otro tikai uz Grand Master Yoda, gan Windu bija astoņus gadsimtus Yoda junior. Windu gudrību un varu tika uzskatīti par leģendāro daudzi, tāpat kā viņa vārdi svaru.
Plaši uzskatīta par vienu no labākajiem swordsmen Jedi secībā, Windu izveidots Vaapad, lightsaber cīnīties pret mūsdienu septītajā veida kas viņš apguvis. Bija tikai praktizējoša formas, kas nebija kritumu uz tumšās puses. Windu Jedi ordenim kalpojis visu savu dzīvi, mācības vairākās Jedi, tai skaitā paredzams Billaba un Echuu Shen-Jon.
Master Windu, kurš veda divi simti divpadsmit Jedi kaujas pie Geonosis kaujas un pagrieziet draņķīgs bounty hunter Jango Fett bija. Viņš turpināja kalpot Clone Wars, visā Republikā bieži par frontlines, sīva cīņa, kur viņš vadīja Republikas spēki kā augsta Jedi General . Windu kara pēdējās dienās saskarties un sakāva Darth Sidious grūti duelis. Viņš bija nodevis galu galā Anakin Skywalker un pēc tam nogalināja Sidious, krīt līdz savai nāvei no Sidious ir biroja loga .
Jedi bija loceklis Jedi ordenī, kurš studējis, apkalpo un izmanto mistisks enerģiju, spēku; parasti gaismas spēku pusē. Jedi ieroci bija lightsaber, ieroci ar asmeni, kas izgatavoti no tīra enerģija. Jedi, cīnījās par mieru un taisnīgumu Republikā galaktiskā parasti pret viņu mirstīgo ienaidniekiem, Dark Jedi un Sith kurš pētīja tumšās puses spēks. Gan pasūtījuma tika iznīcināta gandrīz trīs reizes, pirmo reizi Sith impērija, Darth Revan, tad 300 gadus vēlāk, Darth Malgus un 4000 gadiem, pēc tam ar lielu Darth Sidious Jedi Purge pasūtījuma dzīvoja, jo liela daļa Luke Skywalker centieni, kas kalti Jedi jauns pasūtījums vispirms aizstāvēt jauno Republiku, un vēlāk tā pēctecis, bezmaksas alianses Galactic federācija.
Jango Fett is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. He first appeared as a supporting villain in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and later served as the protagonist of the LucasArts video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter, played by Temuera Morrison.
Jango Fett serves as the host-clone for the Clone Army of the Republic, and subsequently some of the Imperial Stormtroopers of the Galactic Empire. His "son", Boba Fett, is, in reality, an unaltered clone which he requested in his contract with the Kamino cloners, whom he regards as a son. Jango Fett and the clone army he spawns are ultimately a tool used by Chancellor Palpatine to destroy the Jedi Order and gain emergency powers over the Republic in his bid for galactic conquest.
In Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones, Jango is depicted as the genetic template for the Grand Army of the Republic on Kamino, becoming entangled in a shady plot by Count Dooku (Jango also serves as Dooku's personal bodyguard) and the mysterious deceased Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Jango is later hired by Viceroy Nute Gunray of the Trade Federation to assassinate Senator Padmé Amidala in retaliation for her actions in the first prequel. Fett subcontracts the job to bounty hunter and shape-shifter Zam Wesell. Two failed assassination attempts on the senator's life force Fett to kill Wessell with a "saber dart", in order to eliminate the possibility of her leading the Jedi back to Kamino.
Nevertheless, Obi-Wan Kenobi tracks the dart to the planet Kamino, where he learns of a massive clone army being commissioned for the Republic. The ensuing confrontation forces Fett to flee to Geonosis, rendezvousing with his benefactor, Dooku. Jango takes part in the Battle of Geonosis, where he is decapitated by Jedi Master Mace Windu in open combat, which his son Boba witnesses. His legacy is taken up in the form of the Clone Army of the Republic, which was based on his genetic material, and his son Boba, who becomes the most notorious bounty hunter in the galaxy.
The New Jedi Order was the restored and reformed Jedi organization, in the wake of the Great Jedi Purge and subsequent fall of the Galactic Empire. The Jedi Knights, reduced in number to only a handful, were slowly restored, primarily under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, son of the former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker.
Slow in developing, it existed for a number of years as a disparate group of Force-sensitives with various degrees of training. After a first attempt to train new Knights was foiled by the Reborn Emperor, Luke Skywalker initiated the first formal training school for Jedi in decades, the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4. Starting with an initial group of 12 students, the Order slowly grew in numbers and stature, becoming a core part of the New Republic that sponsored it. This meant it was repeatedly targeted by enemies of the Republic, such as Admiral Daala, the Empire Reborn, and the Second Imperium. Members of the order were involved in many of the key conflicts in the galaxy, including the Nagai–Tof War, Operation Shadow Hand, the Black Fleet Crisis and the First Corellian Insurrection.
This involvement culminated in the Jedi involvement in the Yuuzhan Vong War. Committed to defending the galaxy from this threat, the Order was vilified by the galactic citizens and was betrayed on numerous occasions. Their involvement in the war cost nearly half the Order’s Knights. Out of this conflict, a more ruthless, and later, centralized Order was born. It would continue to grow and serve the galaxy for decades to come, until the Sith–Imperial War once again dispersed the Order and made its members fugitives. They subsequently returned to their place in the Galaxy at the end of the Second Imperial Civil War.
Dark Jedi, also known as "Fallen" Jedi, were Force-sensitives, frequently former Jedi, who chose to deny the light side of the Force and/or follow the dark side. Although "Dark Jedi" originally referred to a Jedi who had fallen to the dark side, it could also refer to uninitiated Force-sensitives who received no Jedi training but began their careers under another Dark Jedi. Others were simply dark-side users who did not follow the teachings of the Sith or other dark side organizations. In some cases, Dark Jedi also included "artificial" Force-sensitives who served the dark side, such as the Reborn and the Shadowtroopers. The first Dark Jedi was believed to be Xendor, who was the first member of the Jedi Order to fall. Other forerunners included Ajunta Pall and others who, after the Hundred-Year Darkness, were exiled from Galactic Republic space and became the ancient progenitors of the Sith Lords.
Dark Jedi also became a term of note during the Great Sith War and the Jedi Civil War, where fallen Jedi served under the banners of Exar Kun and the duo of Darth Revan and Darth Malak, respectively. Thousands of years later, Sith Lords such as Palpatine would resurrect the term, with agents serving under him bearing the title. Those whom the Miraluka Jerec controlled came to be known as the Seven Dark Jedi.