Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC
Sektör: Real estate
Number of terms: 2794
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Coldwell Banker is a large real estate franchise founded in 1906 in San Francisco. Coldwell Banker has an international presence, with offices on six continents, 46 countries and territories. There are more than 600 Coldwell Banker offices outside of the United States.
A contract between a property owner and a tenant specifying the payment amount, terms and conditions, as well as the length of time the contract will be in force.
Industry:Real estate
An individual who facilitates the purchase of property by bringing together a buyer and a seller.
Industry:Real estate
A segment of land between two disparate municipal zones which acts as a shield to keep one zone from encroaching upon the other. Often used to separate residential districts from commercial areas.
Industry:Real estate
The person or entity who loans funds to a buyer. In return, the lender will receive periodic payments, including principal and interest amounts.
Industry:Real estate
A legal hold or claim on a property as security for a debt or charge. It can be voluntary such as a mortgage or involuntary such as for back taxes.
Industry:Real estate
A one-story, home-style dating from the early twentieth century. Often characterized by a low-pitched roof.
Industry:Real estate
percentuale delle proprietà occupate in una data area
Industry:Real estate
merci e denaro accumulato che molto spesso è usato come entrata aggiuntiva
Industry:Real estate
persona a cui si deve denaro
Industry:Real estate
strada cieca. Con una sola entrata/uscita
Industry:Real estate