- Sektör: Education
- Number of terms: 941
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A form of language use in which writers and speakers convey something other than the literal meaning of their words. Examples include hyperbole or exaggeration, litotes or understatement, simile and metaphor, which employ comparison, and synecdoche and metonymy, in which a part of a thing stands for the whole.
The repetition of similar vowel sounds in a sentence or a line of poetry or prose, as in "I rose and told him of my woe." Whitman's "When I Heard the Learn'd Astronomer" contains assonantal "I's" in the following lines: How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick, / Till rising and gliding out I wander'd off by myself.
Prostriedky, ktorými spisovateľov prezentovať a odhaliť charakter. Hoci techniky charakterizácie sú zložité, spisovatelia zvyčajne odhalí znakov prostredníctvom ich reč, oblečenie, spôsobom a akcie.
Fiktívnu osobu, ktorý obýva literárne dielo. Literárne postavy môžu byť hlavné alebo vedľajšie, statické (nemenná) alebo dynamické (schopné zmeniť). V Shakespearovej Othello, Pro Desdemóny je hlavná postava, ale ten, kto je statická, ako vedľajšie postavy Bianca. Othello je hlavná postava, ktorá je dynamická, vystavovať schopnosť meniť.
Trama supplementare o subordinata o parallela in un'opera teatrale o un racconto che esiste insieme all'intreccio principale.
The endowment of inanimate objects or abstract concepts with animate or living qualities. An example: The yellow leaves flaunted their color gaily in the breeze. Wordsworth's "I wandered lonely as a cloud" includes personification.
Genellikle ahlaki veya manevi bir ders öğretir kısa bir hikaye. Fable bakın.
An intensification of the conflict in a story or play. Complication builds up, accumulates, and develops the primary or central conflict in a literary work."
Muhalif güçlerin bir hikaye ya da oyun, genellikle işin sonu tarafından çözümlenen arasında bir mücadele. Çatışma içinde karakter arasında bir karakter de oluşabilir.
Dernekler sözlük anlamını ötesine gider bir kelime tarafından çağrıldı. Şairler, özellikle, kelimeler çağrışım içinde zengin kullanma eğiliminde.