- Sektör: Translation & localization
- Number of terms: 396
- Number of blossaries: 11
- Company Profile:
A leading provider of multilingual localization, testing and outsourced software development for the global market, CSOFT delivers quality and affordable language and technology solutions by combining advanced engineering capabilities, best-of-breed processes, professional project management and ...
Los portadores de Loc pueden aplicar muchos estilos a su cabello. La mayoría loc updos incluyen alguna variación de torcer o trenzado Loc juntos y de vuelta. Estos estilos pueden variar bastante, con algunas updos rizado y hacia los lados y otros que se asemeja al famoso estilo mohawk. Muchas personas que tienen Loc seleccione updos para ocasiones especiales, eventos importantes o simplemente mirando bien.
Industry:Beauty; Fashion
The Afghanistan most existing natural scenery found in Bamyan Province and it's the world rare natural lakes that has a unique and beautiful natural features that constituted with six deep blue lakes separated with natural dams that are formed as a result of mineral deposit.
Industry:Tourism & hospitality
アフガニスタンほとんどの既存の自然の風景バーミヤン州で発見され構成鉱物の沈殿物の結果として形成されている天然のダムで区切られた 6 ディープ ブルーの湖とユニークで美しいの自然な機能を持つ世界まれな自然の湖。
Industry:Tourism & hospitality
Panjshir Valley is a rugged valley that is situated in the north Kabul near the Hindu Kush Mountain range and the area is occupied by Afghanistan ethnic tribe of Tajiks.
Industry:Tourism & hospitality
Is the most precious and the largest peninsula in Albania with a marine national park known as Karaburun-Sazan National Marine park, it's located in southwestern Albania in the eastern side of Otianto where the two seas meet of Adriatic and Ionian sea.
Industry:Tourism & hospitality
Blue Eye is also known as Syri Kalter in Albanian and it is the most precious amazing scenery site in the world with a clean clear blue water of the river bubbles from the springs that look beautiful. It is located in Delvine district of Albania
Industry:Tourism & hospitality
Olho azul é também conhecido como Syri Kalter em albanês, e é o mais preciosa incrível site de cenário no mundo com uma água azul limpo das bolhas Rio das nascentes que está lindas. Está localizado no distrito de Delvine da Albânia
Industry:Tourism & hospitality
Roman Site of Constantine is an heritage of historical event that is located in the north eastern of Algeria in the capital province, the place was called Cirta before the rename of Constantine the Great Emperor and it's being use as the tourist destination.
Industry:Tourism & hospitality
Saharan Town of Ghardaia is located in the northern central of Algeria in the Sahara desert and is one of the cities that were inscribed by UNESCO as the world heritage in the cultural settlement that prevailed to the present century as a cubist painting and beautiful construction.
The National Park of American Samoa is situated in American territory of American Samoa as a preserve of coral reef, tropical rainforest, fruit-bat and cultural festival events. The island is most popular for snorkeling and hiking that is in coral reefs and ocean.
Industry:Tourism & hospitality