American Congress on Surveying & Mapping (ACSM)
Sektör: Earth science
Number of terms: 93452
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) is an international association representing the interests of professionals in surveying, mapping and communicating spatial data relating to the Earth's surface. Today, ACSM's members include more than 7,000 surveyors, ...
The meridian through the axis of the south front of the central pavilion of the Observatory of Paris. The Paris Meridian was used as the primary meridian by many countries before the Greenwich Meridian was adopted inter-nationally for that purpose. It is 2<sup>o</sup> 20' 13.95" east of Greenwich.
Industry:Earth science
A perspective map-projection from an ellipsoid onto a plane.
Industry:Earth science
(1) A flat, level surface devoted to supporting certain kinds of activity. (2) A mounting, container, vehicle, ship, aircraft or other structure devoted to some particular use or activity. (3) A vehicle holding a sensor.
Industry:Earth science
(1) o suprafaţă plană, nivelata destinata sustinerii anumitor tipuri de activitati. (2) Un montaj, o structura,un container,un vehicul,o nava,un avion sau alte structuri destinate pentru o anumită utilizare sau activitate. (3) Un vehicul pe care se afla un senzor.
Industry:Earth science
A chart issued quarterly to show meteorological, oceanographic, and hydrographic data in a specified part of the ocean for each of the three months in the quarter. It is for use with conventional charts. Timely articles of professional interest to the seafarer are printed on the back. Pilot charts cover all the oceans of the world.
Industry:Earth science
The angular coordinates, in a topocentric coordinate system, of a celestial body, determined by direct measurements from the Earth's surface and corrected only for errors in the instrument used and errors in the method of measurement (errors of collimation, levelling error, index error, dip of the horizon and so on).
Industry:Earth science
The plane through the center of mass of the Solar System and perpendicular to the angular-momentum vector of the Solar System.
Industry:Earth science
Network adjustment in which the number of quantities to be changed is greater than the number of equations relating these quantities to each other or to given quantities.
Industry:Earth science
Surveying in which a line parallel to the line of sight from the observer to observed object (target) is drawn on a horizontal sheet of paper or plastic while the measurement is being made, using a straight-edge fixed so as to be parallel to the line of sight. The usual procedure is to fasten a sheet of paper to a board (the plane table) mounted on a tripod. A dot on the sheet indicates the observer's location. A telescope free to rotate in a vertical plane is attached by a vertical pedestal to a straight-edge which can be moved anywhere on the board. The straight edge is positioned to pass through the point representing the observer, the telescope is pointed at the target and a short line drawn to pass through the presumed location of the point representing the target. This procedure is repeated for other targets and other points of observation, so that the desired locations of targets are determined as the inter-sections of lines on the sheet.
Industry:Earth science
A continuous region (or volume of land) in which unique, homogeneous interests or rights are recognized. The parcel includes superjacend and subjacent rights in addition to surficial rights.
Industry:Earth science