American Congress on Surveying & Mapping (ACSM)
Sektör: Earth science
Number of terms: 93452
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Founded in 1941, the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (ACSM) is an international association representing the interests of professionals in surveying, mapping and communicating spatial data relating to the Earth's surface. Today, ACSM's members include more than 7,000 surveyors, ...
An orthophotograph or mosaic of orthophotographs having the size of a standard quadrangle to a scale of 1:24000, with little or no cartographic work done on it.
Industry:Earth science
An electronic device for locating buried metallic pipes. It is also useful for locating buried, metallic monuments, etc.
Industry:Earth science
That configuration taken by the Sun, Earth, and another planet, in which the geocentric (celestial) longitude of the planet differs by 180<sup>o</sup> from that of the Sun.
Industry:Earth science
A planet approximating the Earth in size and physical structure: Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto.
Industry:Earth science
O planeta, asemanatoare ca mărime şi structura fizica cu Pamantul: Mercur, Venus, Marte şi Pluto.
Industry:Earth science
The magnitude of an object, determined by measuring the photographic densities on a photograph taken using emulsions filters with combined sensitivities equivalent to the sensitivity of the human eye. Hence, photovisual magnitudes are practically equivalent to visual magnitudes.
Industry:Earth science
(1) A map projection based on some common, known map projection which has been changed by relocating the point or line or zero distortion and by specifying the scale along different lines. (2) A map projection differing slightly from the named map projection on which it is based. (3) A graticule having the oblique aspect of the named map projection and obtained by calculation.
Industry:Earth science
(1) The horizontal-control datum which is defined by the following coordinates of the origin and by the azimuth (clockwise from South) on the Clarke spheroid of 1866; the origin is at triangulation station Oahu West Base:<br>
Industry:Earth science
The creation, on a map, of the impression that the scene is obliquely illuminated, by plotting the intersections of a series of parallel, equally-spaced, inclined planes with conventional contour lines. Through these intersections, isograms are drawn representing the perpendicular distances above or below a hypothetical plane which intersects the plane of mean sea level at a constant and predetermined angle. These isograms are sometimes described as inclined contours. The method was first proposed by Kitiro in 1932.
Industry:Earth science
An urban or suburban residential or commercial locality having considerable homogeneity as to housing, tenancy, income and characteristics of the people in it. Neighborhoods are often outlined by physical barriers such as railroad tracks, streams, commercial or industrial buildings, type or age of buildings, hills or ravines, or by lines created by the construction of subdivisions, differences in zoning ordinances, or restrictions in deeds.
Industry:Earth science