Alister McGrath
Sektör: Religion
Number of terms: 1503
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
Professor of Theology, Ministry and Education, and Head of the Center for Theology, Religion and Culture at King's College, London. McGrath has produced a wide range of publications to Christian theology and his engagement with contemporary culture, especially the New Atheism.
4 is a number of completion, creation, and the world. It is often used in relation to God's creation. There are 4 regions of eart: North, East, South, West, as there are 4 divisions of the day: morning, afternoon, evening, and night, as well as 4 season of the year: summer, autumn, winter, spring. After the creation of man (Adam), God made the garden of Eden, and in that garden was a river that was separated into 4 headwaters: Pishon, which ran through the land where there was gold; Gihon, Tigris, and Euphrates. Revelations talks about the 4 horse men of the Apocalypse, and 4 angels standing ready at the 4 corners of the earth. There are 4 Gospels in the bible, and lots more references can be seen.
Five finger, five senses, and five senses. Not that simple. God's glace is represented by the number 5. It is this way because man's weakness is seen in the number 4, and when man stands with the One true God, it makes 5. 4+1=5 - Gods Grace.
6 is the only number the represents man. It symbolises the imperfections, labour, and weakness of man, as well as sin. Man was even created on the 6th day. The creation of the world wasnt complete until God took the seventh day to rest, implying that six days wasnt quite enough. There are, however, 66 books in the bible, and it is well known that the number 666 represents the unholy trinity or Satan, Antichrist, and the false prophet; all that is the antithesis of God.
As on the of the most significant numbers in the bible, seven represents spiritual completeness, fathers perfection, and the resurrection. It is used in the bible describing the covenant between God and man. It is a number that is well used in chemestry, physics, music, and alot more; where the periodic table has 7 levels of periodicity, a rainbow has seven colors (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), and the base of all music is created on seven basic notes. Seven is made up of two significant numbers: 3 and 4, Gods perfection and creation together in one, denoting a coming together of heaven and earth, as is talked about in Revelation or the "Our Father" prayer. In Revelation is also says that there are seven churches, seven spirits, seven stars, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven dooms, seven new things, seven personages, etc, and the tribulation is to last 7 years. There are 31 102 verses in the King James Bible: 3+1+1+0+2=7. (Just saying) Jesus Christ teaches a total of 37 parables; 3 sevens (777) is the perfection of the Trinity. The number seven becomes much more complex than this, but is very interesting to look up. (check listverse.com)
8 refers to new beginings, rebirth, and ressurection. As` 7 is an ending to something, then 7+1=8: right after the end of one thing is the beginning of something new. There are 8 resurrections in the bible. In the Old Testament 8 days after the birth of a child, he/she was to be circumcised. There were eight miracles of Elijah as told in the bible. And God made eight covenants with Abraham.
9 refers to judgement, completeness from God, the fruit of the Spirit. 9 also refers to natural processes: as we all know, it takes 9 months for a a child to grow in the mothers womb. It signifies 3 perfect manefestations of 3 plans (3x3): body/matter, spirit, and soul; making 9 understandably the number for eternity. After His resurrection Jesus Christ appears to the disciples and apostles 9 times. There are 9 gifts of the Spirit: knowledge, faith, gift of healing, to operate miracles, prophecy, discreetness of spirits, tongues and to interpret them. There are 9 fruit of the Spirit: love, joy. Peace, patience, kindness, goodness, truthfulness, gentleness and self control.
Meaning testimony, law, and resposiblity, 10 is associated with divine order, or it can be used in ranking from 1-10. It can also been seen as the 10 commandments, the 10 plagues of Egypt, Israel was split into two nations - 10 and 2. "The number 10 is considered as the most perfect of all numbers. This is because it contains the unit which makes it distinct and zero which depicts matter and chaos and is also related to created and non-created, power and force, life and nothing and the beginning and end." (astrovera.com) Noah was the 10th patriach before th flood. Jesus Christ performed 37 miracles: 3+7=10. The number 10 is found to many more instances in the bible.
Varhainen kolminaisuusopin harhaoppi, joka käsitellään Kolminaisuuden kolme persoonaa historiallinen kehyk yhdestä Jumalasta.
Jumala, joka heijastaa Jumalan kristillinen kokemus leimallisesti kristillinen oppi. Oppi on yleensä koottu maxims kuten "kolme henkilöä yhteen Jumalaan. "
Termi, jota käytetään nykyisen aseman viitata sakramentti eri tavoin nimellä "massa" "Herran ehtoollinen," ja "Pyhä ehtoollinen. "