American Gas Association
Sektör: Energy
Number of terms: 18218
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The American Gas Association represents local energy companies that deliver natural gas throughout the United States.
Seasonal gas is gas sold during certain periods of the year. It may be sold either on a firm or on an interruptible basis.
Step in producing carbureted water gas in which a fraction of the carburetion oil is cracked to useful gas in the water gas carburetor and superheater.
The incremental cost that a utility would incur to purchase or produce an amount of gas equivalent to that saved by a DSM measure. Components may include energy, capacity, storage, transmission and distribution. Avoided costs are generally used to represent the benefits of utility-sponsored DSM programs.
The temperature at which a substance, such as gas, will ignite and continue burning with adequate air supply.
A device either adjustable or non-adjustable for controlling and maintaining a uniform outlet gas pressure. Spring Type, Adjustable - A regulator in which the regulating force acting upon the diaphragm is derived principally from a spring, the loading of which is adjustable. Spring Type, Nonadjustable - A regulator in which the regulating force acting upon the diaphragm is derived principally from a spring, the loading of which is not adjustable. Either of the above types may be further classified as follows: Main Burner Load Application - A regulator capable of controlling the flow of gas to main burners only. In such applications, the pilot is taken off upstream from the regulator. Main Burner and Pilot Load Application - A regulator capable of controlling the flow of gas to main and pilot burners. In such applications the pilot is taken off downstream from the regulator valve.
A method of depreciation whereby the asset is depreciated over an estimated life expressed in units of output rather than over an estimated life expressed as a period of time.
A system using ceiling panels as heating surfaces. Such panels can be heated by embedding hot-water pipes, warm air ducts, or electric resistance units in the panels.
Any party owning, controlling, managing, or leasing any gas well and/or party who produces in any manner natural gas by taking it from the earth or waters.
In DSM, an estimate of the possible energy savings that would occur because of normal market forces, without the implementation of a DSM program. Compare ACHIEVABLE POTENTIAL, ECONOMIC POTENTIAL and TECHNICAL POTENTIAL.
Secondary products which are obtained from the processing of a raw material and have commercial value. They may be the residues of the gas production process, such as coke, tar, and ammonia, or they may be the result of further processing of such residues, such as ammonium sulphate.