American Gas Association
Sektör: Energy
Number of terms: 18218
Number of blossaries: 1
Company Profile:
The American Gas Association represents local energy companies that deliver natural gas throughout the United States.
A substantial enlargement or improvement of existing structures, facilities, or equipment by the replacement or improvement of parts, which has the effect of extending the useful life of the property, increasing its capacity, lowering its operating cost, or otherwise adding to the worth through the benefit it can yield.
Any contract, other than a rollover contract, entered into on or after the date of enactment of the NGPA of 1978, for the first sale of natural gas that was previously subject to an existing contract, whether or not there is an identity of parties or terms with those of the previously existing contract.
In a rate case, interested parties are the pipeline company, its customers, the FERC Staff, and "others". The "others" are commonly known as intervenors, and they include such groups as state regulatory agencies, consumer groups, competing pipeline companies, and customers of customers.
Revised tariff sheets filed with the Commission to update or modify original or previously revised tariff sheets currently on file in a pipeline's FERC Gas Tariff. If the revised tariff sheets are accepted for filing by the Commission, they become effective on the date specified in the Commission's order, at which time they supersede the currently effective tariff sheets.
Space heating of a dwelling or business establishment or other structure using permanently installed electric heating as the principal source of space heating for a specific area or areas of the premises.
The heat value per unit of fuel expressed in Btu as determined from tests of fuel samples. Examples: Btu per pound of coal, per gallon of oil, per cubic foot of gas.
The sum of the total weight of molecules of each size multiplied by their respective weights divided by the total weight of all molecules.
A deleterious change in the chemical structure, physical properties or appearance of a plastic.
A method by which a pipeline includes in its rates, and charges its customers, the costs of gas or transportation services in the same manner as it is billed by its pipeline suppliers or transporter.
A superior force, "act of God" or unexpected and disruptive event, which may serve to relieve a party from a contract or obligation.