Ana Sayfa > Blossary: Multilingual Geodetic Dictionary
Based on "Multilingual Geodetic Dictionary" published in the edition SGIGJ, Belgrade, 1980.


Company: Diğerleri

219 Terms

Created by: zblagojevic

Number of Blossarys: 5

My Terms
Collected Terms

Nauka miar i wag i miar.

Domain: Real estate; Sektör/Alan: Corporate

The science of measurement, in general.

Domain: Real estate; Sektör/Alan: Corporate

Längeneinheiten basierend auf der Länge der Unterarm vom Ellenbogen bis zur Spitze des Mittelfingers und in der Regel auf etwa 457mm gleich.

Domain: Real estate; Sektör/Alan: Corporate

The science of weights and measures or of measurement.

Domain: Real estate; Sektör/Alan: Corporate

Наука и мер и весов или измерения.

Domain: Real estate; Sektör/Alan: Corporate

The science of weights and measures or of measurement.

Domain: Real estate; Sektör/Alan: Corporate

Nauka koja se bavi merenjima uopšte, a tegovima i merama posebno.

Domain: Real estate; Sektör/Alan: Corporate

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