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204 Terms

Created by: federica.masante

Number of Blossarys: 31

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U Jakobsonovom lingističkom modelu komunikacije ovo se smatra jednom od ključnih funkcija znaka. Ova funkcija uključuje (obično podrazumeva) sastav primaoca (idealnog čitaoca).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Jakobson's model of communication in Linguistics is considered one of the key functions of the mark. This function includes construction (usually implicitly) of a receiver (the ideal reader).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Kada označitelj nije samo arbitraran već je u određenom obliku u direktnoj vezi sa označenim (fizičkoj ili uzročnoj) - ova veza se može uočiti ili zaključiti (na primer, dim, vetrokaz, termometar, sat, otisak, kucanje, puls, svrab, bol) (Pirs).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

A mode in which the marker is not purely arbitrary but directly connected in some way (physical or causal) to the signified-this link can be observed or inferred (such as smoke, Vane, a thermometer, a clock, a spirit-level, trace, fingerprints, knocking on doors, pulse, rash, pain) (Peirce).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

U najekstermnijem smislu, "Sapir-Vorfpva hipoteza" se može opisati kao povezivanje dva principa - lingvistički determinizam i lingvistički relativizam. Primenom ova dva principa Vorfova ideja je da ljudi koji govore različite jezike shvataju i razmišljaju o svetu različito, jer su njihovi pogledi na svet oblikovani ili određeni jezikom kulture (ideja koju odbijaju društveni deterministi). Kritičari smatraju da se ne može reći da postoje različiti pogledi na svet samo na bazi razlika u jezičkoj strukturi.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

In its most extreme version 'the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis' can be described as relating two associated principles: linguistic determinism and linguistic relativism. Applying these two principles, the Whorfian thesis is that people who speak different languages perceive and think about the world quite differently, their worldviews being shaped or determined by the language of the culture (a notion rejected by social determinists). Critics note that we cannot make inferences about differences in worldview solely on the basis of differences in linguistic structure.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Fonocentrizam je obično nesvesna interpretativna pristrasnost koja daje privlegije govoru nad pisanjem ( i shodno tome) usneno- slušnom nad vizualnim.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Phonocentrism biased interpretation of the rights normally involuntary speech over writing (and consequently) oral-aural over visual).

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Морис је поделио семиотику на три гране: синтаксу, семантику и прагматику. Прагматика се односи на проучавање начина на који се знаци користе и тумаче. Тумачење знакова од стране корисника се може посматрати као тумачење по нивоима који одговарају тим гранама - прагматични ниво је тумачење знака у смислу релевантности, договора, итд.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

Morris divided semiotics into three branches: syntactics, semantics and pragmatics. Pragmatics refers to the study of the ways in which signs are used and interpreted. The interpretation of signs by their users can also be seen as levels corresponding to these three branches - the pragmatic level being the interpretation of a sign in terms of relevance, agreement etc.

Domain: Language; Category: General language

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