Created by: Robert Derbyshire
Number of Blossarys: 4
- English (EN)
- Malay (MS)
- Greek (EL)
- Russian (RU)
- Swahili (SW)
- Romanian (RO)
- French (FR)
- Vietnamese (VI)
- Albanian (SQ)
- Japanese (JA)
- Arabic (AR)
- French, Canadian (CF)
- Bulgarian (BG)
- Serbian (SR)
- Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
- Spanish (ES)
- Italian (IT)
- Farsi (FA)
- Spanish, Latin American (XL)
- Hungarian (HU)
- Indonesian (ID)
- Swedish (SV)
- German (DE)
- Dutch (NL)
- Afrikaans (AF)
- English, UK (UE)
- Kazakh (KK)
- Sinhalese (SI)
- Malay (MS)
- Greek (EL)
- Russian (RU)
- Swahili (SW)
- Romanian (RO)
- French (FR)
- Vietnamese (VI)
- Albanian (SQ)
- Japanese (JA)
- Arabic (AR)
- French, Canadian (CF)
- Bulgarian (BG)
- Serbian (SR)
- Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
- Spanish (ES)
- Italian (IT)
- Farsi (FA)
- Spanish, Latin American (XL)
- Hungarian (HU)
- Indonesian (ID)
- Swedish (SV)
- German (DE)
- Dutch (NL)
- Afrikaans (AF)
- English, UK (UE)
- Kazakh (KK)
- Sinhalese (SI)
To use search engines to quickly check the validity of a claim made in the press.
To make a hostile, often personal remark in a blog.
Derived from the journalist Robert Fisk, this is to meticulously deconstruct an article in a critical manner.
A hostile disagreement between two parties, carried out via the Internet.
To smatter a blog with a number of SEO-friendly keywords, to increase Google ranking.
A blog which is maintained by more than one contributing writer.
A mild addiction to refreshing one's browser to see if the hit counter or comments section on one's blog has increased.