Ana Sayfa > Blossary: Chinese Idioms, Chinese Proverbs
The Chinese idioms I have known or I have collected online.

Kategori Languages

35 Terms

Created by: evergreen1225

Number of Blossarys: 6

My Terms
Collected Terms

Refers to good, correct advice, as fast as the water down, natural

Domain: Language; Sektör/Alan: Idioms

Where the sincerity of mankind can touch the earth and make the stone crack. As long as the metaphor to concentrate on sincerity, what difficult problems can be solved.

Domain: Language; Sektör/Alan: Idioms

Friends straight: not evil song, no selfish, upright honest friends. Forgiveness: trustworthy, honest friends do not cheat. Friends smell more: learned broad, knowledgeable and profound friends.

Domain: Language; Sektör/Alan: Idioms

Expressed the deep feelings of life and death between soldiers. Describe the mutual encouragement among soldiers, with the same life and death, it is moving. Later, this poem is also used to describe ...

Domain: Language; Sektör/Alan: Idioms

How to: Wet; Foam: Spittle. Spring water, two fish spit wet each other. Metaphor together in a difficult situation, with meager power to help each other, just to save lives.

Domain: Language; Sektör/Alan: Idioms

Gentleman's turn, from the understanding of mutual tolerance. In this understanding, each other is not demanding, not forced, not jealous, not sticking people. So in ordinary people's opinion, it is ...

Domain: Language; Sektör/Alan: Idioms

Refers to positively confuse the enemy, and from the wing for a surprise attack. Also metaphor secretly carry out activities. Chencang, ancient county name, Baoji City, Shaanxi Province in the East ...

Domain: Language; Sektör/Alan: Idioms

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